What's up blogworld..How's everything?? hopefully good. Hopefully u are all spending time with your families, eating some good food and, preparing for the new year. I can't believe it's here already. I feel like i blinked and 2008 is gone! Nonetheless I plan to make 2009 a productive year. Recently I met a young artist by the name of Morgan Brown.. She's sings and raps.. SUPER TALENTED KID. She has a cool Charisma about her. I would say Swag..but i HATE that word right now.. It's like we get one word we think is cool and we run it into the ground..lol. Anyway back to Morgan we've been diligently working on her project for the past couple weeks and everything is coming together quite nice. I can't wait to let you all here what we've been cookin up! So stay tuned in there's so much more to come....
Here's a Pic of my new little super star