It's been a min since I wrote a blog.. but I was led to share my thoughts..so here it goes...
Sometimes living out here in Los Angeles the land of dreams, the world of self... U can get lost in your pursuit of success. I know this is too true for me. On one hand Selfishness can be a good thing. It’s positive to make your self a priority..your dreams, your goals, your well being...but if u don't have some type of balance going on you will find that emptiness will become your friend. It happens all the time.. People work hard, isolate themselves then reach there goal and have a feeling of “now what? ” Success does take some level of isolation, and focus..but some of us use our dream chase as an excuse to shut everything else out.. I personally am guilty of this.. I know I'm not alone. I’ve been selfish with my money and especially selfish with my time. I have put so much of my self worth in my success I expect others to just “understand” that I can’t be there or that I don’t have a birthday gift for them.. I mean c’mon one day I'm going to reach my goal and everything will be fine right? I expect others to care just as much as I do about my semi obsession with being successful. But the truth is they don't have to... and tomorrow is not promised. You don't get time back and money is tangible. It’s important to operate in the now of life. If right now a friend needs you but you have to go to the studio or some meeting think about right now first .. I'm not saying don't go hard for what u want in life.. just remember that what u want includes what u are right now. I'm at a point where I feel like I need a detox from self.. I'm tired of my self absorbed ways...cause at the end of the day when we are done obsessing with our lives and what we want to accomplish.. u need people ( outside of network friends) u need relationships. Life in all inclusive. I challenge u to reflect on your life see where u may need a self detox..