Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Whats up Family.. I had the incredible opportunity to work with a very talented producer/artist out of Inglewood California by the name of Disko He's respnosible for Problems very popular single "I'm toe up". Disko allowed me the privelage to be featured on his new album " Turnt Up" The song is Called "GOOD STUFF" and that's definately what it is! Check it out


Im On Track 2 "Good Stuff" Please Go Check out Disko's Album HERE..It's Super Dope..ENJOY

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lord have mercy....

Help this child..it would seem Bishop Weeks has had enough of the rest of the world invloved in his love life..But this is the real world we are talking about here..Check out this story...

Miss Jackson if ya nasty....

Dude is in heaven!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This had me in tears..Amy Poehler Is Killin me. Tina Fey is Dead on Sarah Palin.

Have a laugh with me

Friday, September 12, 2008

Been a min

Sorry I haven't really beein posting...trying to sort out my life but here's one my favortie voices in music back in the day... she kills it..I'll be back with more great content soon! love ya!